The NATO Secretary General said that flexibility should be shown by Russia, not Ukraine

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Äæåðåëî: òîëòåíáåð â³íòåðâ’þ

CBC News

Äåòàë³: òîëòåíáàà çàïèòàëè, ÷è ³ ÷ è iiaea iaº odya idaceaaioa Oeda¿ie Aieiaeieda Caeainueiai diaeoe a³euoa waist ÷ â daieao ³nioth I³inueeo oaia, UIA a³aoyaiooe ªadiio a³a iaae³ a³eie iiai¿.

“… Î ÷ Aadanidii Din³y º ³eoaaoe, board òâà àðåñ³¿ èçèòè ñêàëà³þ, çíà÷èòü äñàâëÿòè ãåè äèâíèì, âåðíóèèì èîàëì”, – àçà

äíî÷àñ, çà éîãî ãàìè, üÿíñ, àíñ, òîâèé çíîâó ,ij . “Aaeeeith nodaoaa³ ç ÷ iith iiieeeith aieo Din³¿” Yeo aiaaaaouny both aidiai caieaoeoe edia’th.

“CADAC iaaaaaoi Oeda¿inue³ neee cadiei³ edaua ÷ ai³ IAA, aiada iniauai³, edaua i³aaioiaeai³, i³ae âîíè à âè â 2014 2014 , êîëè аë âïåðøå”, – êàçà ãåíåê ÍàÒÎ.


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