The politics of the ostrich

11 January 2022 – 12:00

The first anomaly is that of a premier who, before a press conference, warns all newspapers of the country that will not answer questions regarding the Quirinale

La politica dello struzzo

The first anomaly is that of a premier who, before a press conference, warns all the newspapers in the country that he will not answer questions regarding the Quirinale. Premise that he also places at the beginning of the meeting with the press. Once the customary phrase even in the Kremlin was “no comment”. Now at Palazzo Chigi the form has also failed: to the questions, let’s face it, not even so insistent from journalists are not answered. It is the new style of the house.

The second anomaly is more substantial and concerns the logical leap, if not the contradiction, contained in the premier’s message in relation to his silence. Draghi says: «In the majority, despite the diversity of views, there is a desire to work together and to make shared decisions. As long as there is that, the government goes on well ”. There is one issue, however, that the premier pretends not to see, which he removes: the government will only go ahead if he continues to stay at Palazzo Chigi. This is the condition set by Matteo Salvini and, yesterday, it seems, by Silvio Berlusconi himself. That is why his silence on the subject is paradoxical. And that’s why, as we wrote, he should have talked about it in yesterday’s press conference “or this week.”

Draghi preferred to take his time, he chose the second option, but in the next few days he will have to give an answer. Unless you want to insist on ostrich politics. Because the question of the survival of this government, of this majority, and, perhaps, of this legislature, is closely linked to its future. And this also applies to all the commitments regarding the management of the pandemic (starting with the latest stringent measures taken by the executive), the grounding of the NRP in reality and not only in projects, inflation, energy policy. Not to mention that precisely because the premier is the first to say that the government and the majority work, if he decides to choose the road to the Quirinale he would in fact take on the responsibility of opening the “crisis” himself. It would earthquake a political framework, which in his opinion holds only out of ambition. A little too much even for Draghi.

It would be complicated even for him to govern through third parties, perhaps with another premier who looks so much like Alexa, the artificial intelligence with which the obsessed with robotics organize their home: you can ask “Alexa make me coffee” or “Alexa turn off the light”; you cannot impose a budget law or reject a provision by ordering it from the Quirinale to a head of government who must answer to a parliamentary majority.

This is why Draghi’s silence is unsustainable. Of course, the premier is burned for all the controversy and criticism that rained down on him in the press conference at the end of the year (a genre that apparently does not do him well). But if then, I say it with respect, he spoke too much, yesterday, however, he spoke little. And in the end the result was the same: there is a government that does not know how long it will last and a disoriented majority. But, above all, there is a country “suspended” in full emergency.

Blocked by the premier’s Hamlet dilemma: Colle or non Colle, that is the question.

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