Mark Lorentzon, 55, is arrested in his absence on suspicion of causing the explosion in Gothenburg last week.
He is arrested on probable cause on suspicion of gross public destruction and attempted murder.
This enables the prosecutor to issue an international search warrant, so that Lorentzon can be hunted outside Sweden’s borders.
– I will sit down and write it the search this afternoon, prosecutor Maria Thorell said after the arrest hearing on Monday afternoon.
It was just before 05.00 on Tuesday last week that the alarm about an explosion on Övre Husargatan in central Gothenburg came in.
A major operation was launched with a large number of units from the rescue service, police and ambulance personnel. The explosion led to both a large fire and the development of smoke. More than 20 people had to seek care and the residents were evacuated.
The district court decided on Monday afternoon to detain Mark Lorentzon in his absence on probable cause on suspicion of gross public destruction and attempted murder.
Attempted murder

Prosecutor Maria Thorell.
Photo: Christian Börjesson
About the heading attempted murder, prosecutor Maria Thorell says:
– It is due to the fact that several residents have been at risk of being killed by the explosion.
Lorentzon is wanted throughout the country – and now the prosecutor wants him to be wanted internationally as well. That was one of the reasons she wanted him arrested.
– This means we can go out with an international wanted person.
Where do you think the suspect is?
– I do not want to say where we think he is somewhere. If he reads the media, he will know where we are going to look somewhere. Then it will be harder for us to find him.
But do you think he is Abroad? )
When asked if the man could be considered dangerous to the public, the prosecutor answers:
– It is difficult for me to judge. But it is a serious crime that he is suspected of and if you have committed such a crime once, there is a risk that you commit an equally serious crime again.
The prosecutor writes in the arrest petition that Lorentzon has ) caused a fire and caused an explosion. This has endangered the life and health of another and the extensive destruction of another’s property. ”
May be abroad
Furthermore, the prosecutor writes:
“Through the procedure, he has also tried to kill residents at the address. Danger of the completion of the crime has existed or been excluded solely due to temporary circumstances. In any case, he has abused residents at the address. The abuse, which led to, among other things, difficulty breathing, is serious with regard to the fact that the act was life-threatening. Mark Lorentzon committed the act with intent ”.
The lawyer Svend B Christiansen has appointed by the district court as Mark Lorentzon’s lawyer.
He had just been given the assignment, when GT reaches him just before lunch on Monday.
The police: “Can be dangerous”
– I have just received the case not so long ago and have not received any documents from the district court. I know nothing more than that I am appointed for him.
He wants to wait for the attitude to the suspicions and the arrest request, until after hearing what the prosecutor has to say.
– I will first see what the prosecutor claims and what is there that makes him a suspect. I do not know now.
According to information to GT / Expressen, the police believe they have received signs of life from the suspected bomber this weekend. Right now, the work is focused on the fact that he is outside Sweden. Mark Lorentzon is also said to have made several payments to various countries during the past month.
According to additional information to GT / Expressen, Mark Lorentzon has a background that made the police react. In connection with Mark Lorentzon being wanted, the information also went out that he could be dangerous, to all police officers in external service.
In the reasons for getting Mark Lorentzon arrested, the prosecutor states that there is a risk that he “continues its criminal activities”
Is charged with several other crimes
The apartment on Övre Husargatan where the man lives belongs to his mother. But the property owner has for some time been trying to get them evicted.
According to the Swedish Enforcement Agency, a decision was made to evict at the end of June. According to information to GT / Expressen, the erosion must have been planned for the same day as the explosion took place.
Mark Lorentzon has previously been charged with several crimes. Among other things, for harassing a head of authority. The reason for this was that he could not meet his mother at the nursing home as usual during the pandemic with the severe restrictions.
– At the beginning of the pandemic, he, like everyone else, had to visit his mother out on the farm with plexiglass and visors. But he ignored it. So in the end he was not allowed to visit her on the farm anymore, because he did not follow the restrictions but would hug her and be in the face, says a former employee at the accommodation.
According to the suspicions, he must then have started chasing the manager of the accommodation.
The public is encouraged to call 114 14 if they know where Mark Lorentzon may be, or have other tips. In emergency situations, 112 always applies.
Here Mark Lorentzon climbs up to the mother
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