By Le Figaro with AFP
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The man had killed his former partner in 2019 in front of the parents of the latter.
Twenty-two stab wounds and fifteen hammer blows carried to his ex-wife: the trial of a man accused of having murdered, without prior physical violence, his former partner in 2019 opened on Friday October 1 in Versailles in front of the Yvelines Assize Court.
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This extremely violent feminicide, which occurred 18 months after the separation, was preceded by repeated insults from Jean J. to the mother of his two children, but no domestic violence had been observed previously from the accused, appeared in the box on Friday in a gray sweater over a dark shirt, his head bald, his gaze lost. This 50-year-old, a graduate of Sciences-Po Strasbourg, was a senior executive in an important town hall in Yvelines before falling into a phase of depression following a change of majority.
37 wounds on the body On the morning of January 24, 2019 in Cernay-la-ville, in the south of Yvelines, the accused entered the house of his ex-wife, 48, and s is taken to her, pushing her from one room to another on the ground floor with stabs and hammers, bought a few weeks earlier. Came to visit him, the parents of the victim see it raining blows – the forensic scientist will count thirty-seven wounds on the body -, then the father tries to intervene. Jean J. is also sent back to the assizes for attempted murders on his ex-parents-in-law, who, injured, will trigger the aid.
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THE The accused will then go to see the sea in Normandy before attempting to kill himself. He will be arrested by investigators eight days after the incident. In police custody, he acknowledges the facts, speaks of a moment of madness, he thought to take action for nearly a month. For months, he regularly insulted his ex-wife by text message. The parents of the victim arrived at the trial with “ an immeasurable sense of guilt ”, their lawyer, Me Elsa Crozatier, told AFP on Thursday. ” Not having been able to do anything, it haunts them every day ”. The couple’s two children, then aged 15 and 18, have had no contact with their father since the facts, and will not be present at the hearing. The trial is scheduled to continue until Wednesday.
SEE ALSO – What are the real numbers of violence against women?
The trial of the murder of a woman by 37 stab wounds and hammer before the assizes of Yvelines
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