This Predator Kills Great White Shark For A Reason

By Karan Yadav

For years, the waters of Earth have been home to several predators, varying in size and role. Yet, among these predators emerges one feared not only by marine creatures but also by humans.

Meet the Great White Shark. These colossal creatures navigate Earth’s waters, tearing through anything in their path. A Great White can reach up to 20 feet in length and can swiftly swim at speeds exceeding 60 km per hour.

However, the Great White Shark isn’t the sole ruler. There exists an apex predator that roams these waters and holds the power to take down even a Great White.

Meet the Orcas (also known as Killer Whales). Orcas prey on a variety of creatures, including fish, seals, sea lions, penguins, squids, sharks, and even some whales.

An Orca can grow up to 27 feet in length. They live and hunt together in cooperative pods.

At times, Orcas have been seen attacking Great Whites and other sharks. However, there’s a twist. Orcas are specifically drawn to a particular organ of the shark.

It’s been observed that Orcas often target only the livers of these massive sharks.

According to available information, this behavior is due to the nutrient-rich properties found in the livers. In fact, in 2022, a video surfaced online depicting two Orcas hunting down a Great White Shark.

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