Top 10 Personalities Who Have Contributed Tremendously To Their Field Of Work


Fazayal Shabbir is a multi-talented personality. He is the bestselling and critically acclaimed book “City Under Curfew and other stories”. The book has been making news since it launched for its gripping storytelling and narrative. Fazayal has a degree in mechanical engineering and a postgraduate diploma in business management. He has been working in the corporate sector for more than 17 years. He is a marathon runner and black belt in Judo. He loves watching cricket and reading books in his spare time. He is currently working on his second book, which readers are keenly awaiting.


An inspiring story of a little Indian child who has been impacting the lives of innumerable kids and adults worldwide through his motivational stories, healthy lifestyle practices and a zeal to live life at its fullest. Meet Manikya Sanghi, a 13 years old multiple World Record Holder, National Record Holder, and Award-Winning Author. His first book was published at the age of 5 years, and there has been no looking back since then. He is most known for his novel ‘Wizard of Sansanadia’ from the series’ Chronicles of Tierra’. His novels contain intricate and demanding plots, written with the finesse and originality that belie his young age. Manikya says that he receives all the brilliant ideas to write stories while daily doing Sidhshakti Healing & Meditations learnt from his mentor Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji. His books are easily available on all leading online stores worldwide.


Ayesha Ladha, aka @luckyladyblossom, is a multitasker work-at-home Mumbai based Mom Influencer who shares her content creation on Instagram. Ranked as TOP 100 Indian Mom Influencers, she has collaborated with many reputed brands and small businesses. With her personal experience of 8 years in social media marketing, she inspires new Influencers/Moms and helps them grow in creating the best of their lives. She loves to be surrounded by people who talk about vision and creative ideas. She strongly believes that “Any age is right to experiment with something new in life” She is currently focusing on her husband’s new venture, DEEARABIAN, an alcohol-free roll-on perfume. Her life goal is to build a stronger business wherein she can support thousands of women and empower them to live a life full of dignity and financially independent.


Authoress Saniya Inamdar was born in Kolkata and did her schooling at Bishop Westcott Girl’s High School Ranchi, St Joseph’s Nagpur and Bhavans Kolkata. She completed her graduation in Arts from S.F.S College, where she won a Gold Medal for being the University Topper in History. She also holds a Bachelors degree in Journalism.

Her love for writing poems started at a young age when she penned her first poem titled, ‘Rose’! Her first book was a collection of Poems called ‘Cornucopoem’, which has a Foreword by former Miss Universe. Sushmita Sen. Panchaali, the Princess of Peace, is her second novel and is already a bestseller! The book traces an alternate life of Panchaali, aka Draupadi, in which she denies marrying the five Pandava brothers! However, Inamdar states her biggest achievement was having penned down 32 poems for each student of hers as their teacher in kindergarten!


Anirban Mitra is an Indian music artist and entrepreneur. Anirban Mitra was born on 31 May 2004 at Kolkata in West Bengal, India. He is a young, kind heart, honest artist, musician, and entrepreneur conceived and raised in the City of Joy (Kolkata). His interest in music and digital marketing has made him a familiar face through this medium since his student days. He is now known as a musician in India after 11 years. He is currently living in Kolkata, India. At 11, he opened his company named Anirban Editx, Jol chobi studio and SpecialHQ. He worked as an Artist, Chief video editor, and entrepreneur with a vision of becoming one of the greatest in the Digital Marketing Industry.


Atima Nayyar is a passionpreneur – C.A. finalist turned musician. A few years back, Atima quit her excellent corporate job to begin her musical venture as a stage performer, vocal trainer and event manager. She has mentored a multitude of students in India and abroad.

Voice of Chandigarh Atima has performed on the stage for over 15 years, appeared on leading T.V. channels, and lent her voice in various music albums.

Yoga anthem fame, Atima has dedicated herself to the well being of people through music. Even during the pandemic, she immensely contributed to society by spreading the joy of music to countless music enthusiasts through online classes, workshops and shows, thereby creating positivity and healing minds.

Check out her YouTube videos to witness her singing talent.

YouTube link:


Shruti Dutt is an Internationally Certified Personality Transformation, ‘Victory Coach’. Her books’ Change your Story Today’ is among the top 7 books of self-love & her Article in the best selling anthology ‘Billionnaire Mindset’ (both on Amazon) have helped her readers immensely.

An Educator with 30 years of experience, she continues to inspire youth & women with her activities. ‘Inspiring Conversations’ is her talk show on the TenNews network & workshop. She is also a storyteller/ content creator on her YouTube channel as ‘Dilliwalinani’.

Her next book of self-love in Hindi- ‘Badal Do Apni Kahani Aaj!- Safalta Ke Raaz’ is expected to be launched in November 2021.

Connect to her as Coachshrutidutt on Instagram.


Dr. Nivedita Mahandru is an internationally trained cosmetologist and Esthetician. With over two decades of experience behind her, she is one of the few paragons of excellence who believes in customization and a personal approach to beauty, working on internal and external factors for the glow. Her mother founded Suman’s Royal Aroma, late Mrs Sumans Mahandru, who herself was the U.K trained Cosmetologist, in 1981 was the first beauty clinic in Saket. She passed the baton to her affable daughter, who carried this torch of ingenuity on her able shoulders. Dr. Nivedita won several awards and accolades for recognition of her outstanding work for blending in natural therapies and advanced treatments for skin and hair, creative makeup and hair designing. She combines herbal and organic concoctions that don’t harm your skin’s sensitive layers and help you rejuvenate from daily stress with unadulterated pampering.


Sangeeta Sharma is a distinguished Mindset Coach, N.L.P. Practitioner, Energy healer and hypnotherapist. She is also an author of the Book “Four Layers to Your Dream Life”. Sangeeta has always had a passion for helping people and prides herself on changing the lives of many individuals.

As a Mindset Coach, she facilitates rewiring an individual’s mindset, allowing them to be the best version of themselves and unlock their full potential using subconscious mind programming, E.F.T., inner child healings, Age regression, Past regression, Past Life Regression therapies.  She also helps individuals to remove their traumas, fears and phobias at deeper levels. She is considered to be a preeminent expert in the field of self-mastery.

Instagram: @coachsangeeta


Sonam chanawala is a resident of Bharuch, Gujarat. She has completed her post-graduation from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda in Vadodara, Gujarat. In arts (history majors), she’s a passionate writer and a fashion blogger. She is a verified Amazon influencer and very active on YourQuote.

The dazzling diva has been featured in many verified and other brands like Quancious, Kafted with happiness, Ufashion, yellow chimes, H&M style by you, Redwolfdotin, KOOVS fashion, Wearyouropinion, Berrylush, the label life, Truffle collection India, be_sukhiaatma, puma as worn by you, For her fashion choices, and more. She has collaborated with all these brands on Instagram and is quite active on social media.

She has been a part of two published anthologies – Frightening Pulses and Unleashed Thoughts. She is planning to write one novel as well soon.

You can follow her on ig:  @Sonam_chanawala

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