US Navy Awards $151 Million to Small Business IT Firms

The U.S. Navy has awarded a combined $151 million to five small businesses. According to the U.S. Department of Defense site, these five companies will provide full information technology (IT) lifecycle support to Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command’s (NAVFAC) core facilities management, construction management, and installation management systems.

A government contract is a great source of revenue for businesses of all sizes. However, it is especially true for small business owners. With millions of dollars up for grabs, winning a contract from the federal government can provide a stream of revenue for several years.

In this particular case, the term of the contract won’t exceed 66 months. And the expected completion date is March 2027.

The winning businesses will perform the following tasks, but they are not limited to them. This includes systems development lifecycle and cybersecurity support, business systems operations and support, IT operations management and enterprise, cloud operations/migration/system development, secure infrastructure and analysis, and management services.

The $151 million will go to:

  • Chitra Productions LLC
  • SV Synergies LLC
  • OSCTech LLC
  • AttainX Inc.
  • Stellar Innovations and Solutions Inc.

The contract for this bid was competitively procured through the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website and Federal Business Opportunities website, with a total of 28 proposals were received.

While not every small business has the know-how to bid for these contracts, the federal government has tens of billions of dollars up for grab each year specifically earmarked for small businesses.

Small Business Contracts

In fiscal year 2020, federal government small business contracts totaled a record $145.7 billion. With a mandate to give small businesses 23% prime contracts, in 2020 it exceeded that amount to 26.01%.

Additionally, the federal government also wants service-disabled Veterans, women, and disadvantaged businesses to apply for these contracts. As the largest customer in the world, the U.S. federal government is always looking for providers. And according to Small Business Administrator, Isabel Guzman, “Our goal this year, and every year, is to make sure that small businesses can be like the giants they are in our economy and to create conditions to guarantee their success.”

So, if you are a small business owner find out what the government is looking for and submit your bid. And remember, your business doesn’t have to be a high-tech company.

Image: Depositphotos

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