Venezuelans make themselves known with their chocolate shop in Miami

In order to delight diners from other latitudes by making chocolate with Venezuelan cocoa, the Susana sisters and Isabel Garcia Nevett arrived in the US more than 3 years ago.

Before emigrating, they had already achieved success in their native country.

Despite each having their respective profession, architect and journalist, cooking is something that unites them and from which they formed their business called Garcia Nevett – Chocolatier de Miami, reported ElPitazo.

«We use chocolate made mainly in Venezuela (…) We thought, what a great way to bring our Venezuelan heritage with us by bringing Venezuelan chocolate to this vibrant and beautiful city of Miami. We started very slow and we have grown quite organically because we don’t really have that kind of commercial experience, to be honest, “says Isabel in a video posted on the Brut portal.

They started as an enterprise, selling their products in small markets and close people. To take their business to another level, they received help from Goldman Sachs for small businesses and that is how they managed to open their store.

Cocoa is tradition, love and hope in the center of the country

“He was a great resource for us as we grew our business. And then we opened Garcia Nevett, about three years ago, and that’s our first brick and mortar. We really wanted it to be an experience. So when you walk into our store in South Miami it’s like you’re walking into our house. We have made it very beautiful. We have a huge window where you can see the inside of the store, you can see us making chocolates and bonbons. We have a machine. It is very Willy-Wonka style «, related Isabel in the aforementioned video.

After several years in the market and gradually growing, in the month of September of this year the Garcia Nevett sisters were one of the 10,000 small companies invited to New York to start the Hispanic Heritage Month with Goldman Sachs and singer Jennifer López.

«I was delighted to be able to talk about something positive that comes out of Venezuela, which is the chocolate in our shop (…) It was incredible because I know we can learn a lot from her (JLo) and she has a great presence. Meeting all the other business owners was amazing too. One of the things I got from Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is that we are not alone, as small business owners, “said the co-owner of this Venezuelan chocolate shop about the experience.

In the video published by the portal Brut , Jennifer López assured that she wanted to empower each of the women present to discover their unlimited brilliance at any age, but also for them to create the best life they want for themselves, whatever that means for each of them.

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