Watch The Flash Star Grant Gustin Crush an Intense Full Body Workout

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Grant Gustin, better known to fans of DC’s “Arrowverse” as Barry Allen, a.k.a. The Flash, isn’t just fast: he’s also putting in the work to be strong too. Personal trainer Ben Bruno, whose celebrity clients include Jessica Biel, Chelsea Handler and Giancarlo Stanton, just shared a look at one of the actor’s recent full body workouts on Instagram, showcasing the progress he’s been making.

“Grant’s been working really hard in the gym to build strength and muscle, and he’s doing a great job,” says Bruno in voiceover. “Here, he’s crushing some trap bar deadlifts, which I would say is my number one lower body exercise for guys looking to build muscle. Dudes hate doing legs, but it’s important, and for actors we tend to prioritize deadlifting manoeuvers over squatting and lunging exercises for the added benefit that it gives to the upper body.”

Elsewhere in the video, Gustin also performs an “impressive set” of weighted chinups which Bruno notes are rare for how “well-executed” they are, and a high incline dumbbell press. “We press from all angles,” he says. “I think a lot of guys mistakenly do over-emphasize chest, and hit shoulders as an afterthought, when in reality for the physique they want they’d be better off prioritizing shoulders.”

Finally, Gustin shows off his upper body strength, and core especially, with a sliding ab rollout variation that requires an incredible amount of control, and is definitely not for beginners.

Gustin is currently preparing for the ninth season of The Flash, which was recently confirmed to be the show’s last. However, there are a number of fans online who are now keen for him to take over the role on the big screen, in the wake of the growing controversy surrounding the DCEU actor Ezra Miller, who is still expected to lead Warner Bros.’ standalone The Flash movie.

Philip Ellis is a freelance writer and journalist from the United Kingdom covering pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+ issues. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller and MTV.

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