Watch Vandita Narayan’s Colorful Video For ‘Walking Piece of Art’

David BrittoOct 06, 2021

Bengaluru pop singer Vandita Narayan.

After the release of her funky single “Drunk on Passion” earlier this year, Bengaluru pop singer Vandita Narayan dropped a new future bass track called “Walking Piece of Art” last month.

Written during the second lockdown, Narayan explains that her latest offering is an abstract form of expressing the emotions of passions, intimacy and vulnerability. She says, “In this song, I portray myself as a canvas while constructing a complex character who shines upon me and throws their colors and glitters on me, creating a beautiful mess, and a work of art.” The singer worked with producer BA55ICK who gave the song its alt-pop and future bass touch.

For the track’s music video – shot and edited by Shoiab Ahmed – Narayan worked with art director Akshay R. who helped her conceptualize the clip. In the film, Narayan is seen performing the song while being splashed with colors, glitter and smoke bombs as she transforms into a canvas for stunning imagery.  She says, “The idea of glitters and smoke bombs portray various versions of art, as life imitates art.” The singer adds, “It was challenging to get the splashes on beat. While piecing the parts of the video, the work empowered me to be the best version of myself possible. I got to understand the beauty of being vulnerable. The after-shoot clean-up was equally fun!”

Looking ahead, Narayan is keen to continue to create her world of “art full of colors and emotion” while also connecting with people through her music.

Watch the video for “Walking Piece of Art” below and stream the song on other platforms.

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