Who discovered America and taught Cyril the Slavs to read and write? Recent findings are changing the history of mankind

Who Discovered America? Christopher Columbus. And when? 1492. Perhaps there are no easier questions in primary school history

The problem is that both answers are wrong, according to the latest research. So let’s try again. Who Discovered America? Leif Eriksson. And when? 1021. Correct

Some time ago, scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands came up with groundbreaking information. Something was known about the presence of the Vikings in North America sometime in the 11th century.

There was even talk of a Viking expedition led by Leif Eriksson. However, we could only guess when it was. We have known this exactly since this autumn – the Vikings landed there in 1021.

This is the first time that someone has determined the exact date. How did the researchers come to this? Modern technology and the radiocarbon method have helped.


Goats’ carbon C14 found in wood

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