Why I haven’t seen my family since leaving home at 16 – Singer, Candy Bleakz

Rising Nigerian singer, Blessing Mariam Akiode, better known as Candy Bleakzhas revealed that she absconded from home at 16 to pursue her musical career.

The 23-year-old said she hasn’t set her eyes on her family members since then.

She, however, said she has been communicating with them through telephone.

The ‘Wale’ crooner disclosed this in a recent interview with Wazobia FM, Lagos.

She said she hasn’t returned home because she has not made enough money.

The Chocolate City signee said, “I left home when I was 16. And when I was leaving home, I said to myself, I’m not returning to this house until I achieve my aims. Since then, I haven’t gone home but I communicate with my family [via telephone]and I do send them money.

“But mum, she keeps calling always that she is no longer getting young. Even my siblings who were one and four years old when I left home, are now 10 and 16 years old. So, my mum has been pleading with me to come home and bond with my younger ones.

“But for me, the game is tough. To go home, I still need to go with money. I just feel like this is the same situation with most people in Lagos.”

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