With the participation of Ghannouchi.. the funeral of a Tunisian who died in the January 14 protests against Said (video)

Tunisians in Siliana state buried the body of a citizen who died after being assaulted by security forces during his participation in the January 14 protests, according to activists and political movements.

The funeral was attended by political leaders And popular, most notably the frozen Tunisian Parliament Speaker Rached Ghannouchi.

On Thursday, the Ennahda movement called for a serious judicial investigation into the death of Rida Bouziane, and blamed what it described as the “coup authority” for the violence, amid criticism from political parties and human rights organizations.

On Wednesday, the “Citizens Against the Coup” initiative announced the death of a protester in a hospital in the capital, “as a result of serious injuries he sustained as a result of the excessive violence inflicted on the demonstrators,” last Friday.

The leader of Ennahda, Imad Khamiri, said that the demonstrators on January 14 were subjected to unprecedented repression, and stressed his movement’s rejection of politicizing the security establishment and implicating it in activities outside the law, he said.

He added that President Qais Saeed granted himself the authority to prevent comment on any decrees he issues, stressing that she will be armed with all legal means.

He added that “Bouziane (59 years old) died in the resuscitation department after staying in the hospital for 5 days. His death was initially caused by severe bleeding in the brain.”

He stated that “forensic medicine is the only agency concerned with informing the public about the circumstances of his death. The deceased has been missing since last Friday, and his family has made attempts to search for him without finding him.”

He pointed out to “The Ennahda movement will arm itself with all legal tools to hold everyone who has committed this crime accountable,” warning of “the dangers of dragging the security establishment into political quarrels.” against the demonstrators,” adding that “since July 25, there has been a deviation in power and a coup against the constitutional reference.” On Wednesday, it announced the opening of an investigation into the death of a person following a demonstration against the decisions of President Qais Saeed last Friday. 14 January/January “A person has been found In a fainting state, near the Conference Palace to Al-Habib Thamer Hospital.”

The prosecution stated that “the examination by a representative of the Public Prosecution, it was found that the deceased did not bear any signs of violence.” Phenomenon, and a research was opened for the purpose and authorized to display the dead body to the forensic medicine department.”

Lotfi Ezz El-Din, head of the National Authority for the Prevention of Torture – which is an independent body – stated that the organization also opened an investigation into this. An unknown death.”

A state of anger and sadness prevailed on the access sites in Tunisia following Bouziane’s death.

Activist Najat Al-Ghadiri tweeted that “the victim is a dentist from Sousse who was left behind 3 children, and Bouziane was subjected to brutal (police) violence in his attempt to commemorate the Tunisian revolution.”

She indicated that the victim died in the resuscitation department of Habib Thamer Hospital in the Tunisian capital.

The Republican, Constitutional and Bloc parties in the country published a statement condemning what happened to Bouziane, holding the Minister of Interior Tawfiq Sharaf al-Din and the President of the Republic fully responsible, and demanding the Public Prosecution to reveal Circumstances related to the death incident.

Tweeters expressed their grief over Bouziane’s death, and without an account called “Awal of Tunisia,” Bouziane “came out to say we want a better future for our children.”

Martyr of Freedom # Reda_Bouziane
He left a wife and three children and went out to celebrate the Revolution Day… He went out to say no to tyranny… He came out to say we want a better future for our children…
He went out and no news of him was lost…They asked about him in the police stations in the hospitals…there was no news or an answer. Today, the news of his death came at Al-Habib Thamer Hospital..pic.twitter.com/X3rbvQbFDd

— Tunisia’s affairs (@AhwalTunisiaNow) ) January 19, 2022

Dr. Nabil Al-Masabiya, supervisor of the Ennahda Movement office in Canada, said in a tweet that “the list of martyrs of the revolution is reopening.”

# Reda_Bouziane … a Tunisian citizen who was subjected to severe violence by the police of the de-facto authority During his participation on 1/14 in the celebration of the Revolution Day, he was arrested…for Today, his family receives him from the hospital and he passed away…to be registered as the first victim of the coup authority. May God have mercy on him and forgive him # Police State # Down the coup
pic.twitter.com/ RtmS3vBVVB

— Huda Houda 🇹🇳 (@mkad_houda1963) January 19, 2022

May God have mercy on the martyr of the revolution and freedom, Reda Bouziane, the victim of the police and repressive state… pic.twitter.com/bSrG0xJjSa

— Chiheb Boughedir (@ChihebDidi) January 19, 2022

In Tunisia, after the hateful coup, when you take to the street to celebrate the Tunisian Revolution Day, you are either imprisoned or you get sick because of water cannons, beatings, dragging, or To be killed, as happened with the martyr Reda Bouziane…
It is the abhorrent dictatorship
# Down with the coup in Tunisia

— Samira Al-Sagheer (@samirasemai) (January 20, 2022

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