National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: How local organizations mark the day

Author of the article:

Kathleen Saylors

University of Windsor students participated in a mini round dance Wednesday, at the University of Windsors CAW Student Centre.
University of Windsor students participated in a mini round dance Wednesday, at the University of Windsors CAW Student Centre. Photo by Dan Janisse /Windsor Star

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Thursday marks Canada’s first National Day for Truth and reconciliation — a national day to honour and remember the Indigenous survivors and victims of Canada’s residential school system.

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All federal and federally regulated workers will have the day off on Thursday — though Indigenous leaders have called on the community to use the day as an opportunity to learn, not simply another holiday.

Here’s how some organizations and municipalities in Windsor and Essex County are honouring truth and reconciliation:

Throughout the region, expect municipal offices to be closed, though in some cases recreation or program rentals are ongoing. Banks will be closed and many Ontario public service workers will also get the day off. Schools will be operating as normal. Check with your destination before heading out.

The City of Windsor offered its staff Indigenous film festival and various learning opportunities around truth and reconciliation throughout this week. On Thursday morning, the Every Child Matters flag will be raised in Charles Clark Square, and City Hall will be illuminated in orange through Oct. 1. Transit Windsor will display orange ribbons on bus mirrors, and the head signs on the front of busses will read “#EveryChildMatters.”

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The Windsor Professional Fire Fighters Association, WPFFA Local 455, and CUPE Locals 543 82 and 2067 representing city inside workers, outside and library workers, said in a statement it calls on the City of Windsor to declare a statutory holiday and its members stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples in marking the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

ENWIN offices will be closed and its flags at half mast. Its emergency line, at 519-255-2727, remains available.

In Tecumseh, parks and recreation staff on Wednesday placed 215 orange ribbons in Lakewood Park, representing the graves of 215 Indigenous children uncovered at the former Kamloops Residential School.

The Town of Lakeshore municipal offices will be closed, and the town will be sharing education resources for its staff and community.

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The Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society will be lowering its flags to half mast, and staff will be participating in activities throughout the day as an agency and in the community.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit offices will be closed to the public.

Assumption University, federated with the University of Windsor, has cancelled its planned Red Mass originally scheduled for Sept. 30 and later moved to Oct. 1. John Cappucci, principal and vice-chancellor of Assumption University,said that as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation approached the focus should be “on healing, reconciliation and building positive relations.”

The County of Essex is giving its staff the day off, providing them with educational resources and encouraging them to attend community events to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

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