Prince Harry ‘grew up quickly’ in relationship with Meghan Markle

Prince Harry is said to be really in love with Meghan Markle and has grown mature in their relationship, contrary to his boyish ways during his previous relationships with Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas.

Body language expert Judi James said the Duke of Sussex is “most smitten” with the former “Suits” star. She claimed that he has tried to “mimic” her “more grown-up approach to life” and because of this, he “grew up quickly during his relationship with Meghan.”

“His look of love and his much more relaxed body language now that he is a husband and father of two, suggest he focused on these states as a replacement for the fun, boyish, and very playful version of himself,” James told the Express.

On the contrary, Prince Harry was “relaxed” and at his “highest levels of relaxation” while with Davy, with whom he had an on-and-off relationship from 2004 to 2010. She said the businesswoman “seemed to bring out much more open and unguarded body language from the Prince, who looked happy to flirt and have fun in a way that suggests his highest levels of relaxation.”

“Harry’s body language responses do seem to feed off the women he is dating, suggesting he is a bit of a ‘pleaser’ and Chelsy, who is known for her perma-smiles and almost constant laughter, showed Harry at his least tense and most natural, looking like any other young guy out on dates. Chelsy looked very upbeat and oozing with social confidence,” James continued and suggested that Davy did not seem “bothered by any press attention.”

Prince Harry and Davy enjoyed the spontaneity during their relationship, even kissing and flirting in public. Whereas, with Bonas, he was said to be “anxious and guarded.” James said there were “undeniable signs of tension and a rather more negative and anxious energy” from him.

“His wariness is tangible and as his eyes appear to pick out the camera, we can see the beginnings of the kind of hard stare he often adopted when being snapped with Meghan.” James claimed that Bonas’ “signals of tension appear to have rubbed off on Harry, who is now unsmiling.” But his look of love for Meghan Markle outshines the “anxiety behaviours and wariness of the press attention.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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