A school trip to Okinawa Prefecture, the number of cancellations increased sharply due to the spread of infection, 4 schools in January, affected after this spring

According to the Okinawa Prefecture Tourism Convention Bureau (OCVB), a school trip to the prefecture due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection Cancellations are occurring one after another. In January 2022, 116 schools were scheduled to have 24,510 students (as of December 7, 2021), but in the end, there were only 4 schools.

According to OCVB, the rapid spread of the Omicron strain has led to an increase in the number of suspensions or diversions since January. Some schools were postponed when they were in the second year of junior high and high school, and some schools were considering holding the event in the third year, but it was difficult to postpone it further at the end of the year. Also, after the spring of 2022, the number of cancellations has been increasing due to the change of direction, and some cancellations have been made by June.

Last year’s results were 54,824 students from 284 schools from April to December 2021. From April to September, 27 schools had 4,727 students, and from October to December, when the state of emergency was lifted, 257 schools had 50,97 students, showing a recovery trend.

Okinawa Prefecture and OCVB will hold an online information session on Okinawa school trips online on January 27th and 28th for the recovery of school trips in the future. Tourist associations, private lodgings, nature experiences, tours / learning facilities, etc. will exhibit, and will report on the current situation of Okinawa Prefecture and give presentations by each exhibitor.

In addition, in February, we will dispatch an advisor and provide a simulated experience of Okinawa study trip. Following Taiwan in January this year, an online tour for educators will be held in Hong Kong on March 1st.

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