Again, Newly Installed Truck Barrier At Dorman-Long Bridge Damage, Driver Arrested

Newly installed truck barrier on Dorman-Long Bridge, Surulere area damage, driver arrested and handed over to to police.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the driver wilfully drove his truck through the newly installed truck barrier.

It will be recalled that a truck belonging to Julius Berger on Oct 3rd damaged a newly erected truck barrier at the Ojuelegba Bridge.

Again, Newly Installed Truck Barrier At Dorman-Long Bridge Damage, Driver Arrested - autojosh

Operatives of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), on Sunday apprehended the driver of truck for damaging the newly installed truck barrier on Dorman-Long Bridge, Surulere area inwards Ikorodu road -(Fadeyi).

The now damaged truck barrier ascending Dorman-long Bridge was newly erected and completed this morning (Sunday October 8th) after a Travel Advisory issued by the Lagos State Government.

Preliminary investigation by the agency revealed that the driver wilfully drove his truck which was fully loaded with compressed papers through the newly installed truck barrier on Dorman-Long Bridge.

Again, Newly Installed Truck Barrier At Dorman-Long Bridge Damage, Driver Arrested - autojosh

A statement by Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), confirmed that the driver of truck was arrested and handed over to Police men from Area ‘C’ Police Division at Barracks, Surulere for further investigation.

“It was gathered that the fully loaded truck was on his way to Shagamu from Alakija where he loaded before the incident occurred.

The statement further revealed that the LASTMA Officials led by Lastma Olukoga Olajide have since evacuated the loaded truck from the road.

It will be recalled that a truck belonging to Construction giant Julius Berger Nigerian on Tuesday October 3rd damaged a newly erected truck barrier at the Ojuelegba bridge inward Fadeyi, Lagos.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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