Federal Judge Orders FDA to Release Significantly More Data About Pfizer Vaccine Approval Process

A federal judge Thursday ordered the FDA to release tens of thousands more pages per month about the data used in its approval process for the Pfizer vaccine. 

Public Health and Medical Professionals sued the FDA under the Freedom of Information Act, demanding more transparency, per Fox News

Blaming staffing issues, the FDA agreed to release 12,000 pages by the end of January and a “minimum” of 500 pags a month. However, the group found that number too small, as there are more than 400,000 pages of data needed. 

As previously reported by Human Events News, that means it could be 2097 before all the documents are available to the public. 

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request “of paramount public importance” and demanded that the FDA release 55,000 pages per month. This means that all of the data will be available within 8 months. 

Aaron Siri, the lawyer representing Public Health and Medical Professionals, called the ruling a “great win for transparency and removes one of the strangleholds federal ‘health’ authorities have had on the data needed for independent scientists to offer solutions and address serious issues with the current vaccine program.”

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