How to include fruits in the diet and its health benefits

Fruits have numerous benefits , they provide energy, delay premature aging, help in constipation, act as tranquilizers, which positively impact sleep quality and control anxiety, in addition to playing a fundamental role in the correct and balanced functioning of the intestine. Fruits contribute to

prevention of cancer, stroke and other diseases.

Through the colors we can also know what are your benefits.

Red colored fruit

Contains lycopene – A potent antioxidant capable of protecting our body’s cells against the harmful effects of excess radicals free, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases, including CANCER.

Contains acid ellagic – Research indicates that, used systematically, ellagic acid inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Topically, it works as an effective antioxidant and aids in skin photo protection when associated with vitamin C.

Contains quercetin – A natural substance that can be found in fruits and vegetables such as apples, onions or capers, with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, which eliminates free radicals from the body, preventing damage to cells and DNA and fighting inflammation.

Contains hesperidin – Diosmin hesperidin are flavonoids extracted from citrus fruits that act on the circulatory system, normalizing and increasing the resistance of blood vessels, being indicated for the treatment of circulatory problems such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency or hemorrhoids, for example.

Contains fiber – Dietary fiber is the part of plant food that is not digestible, so it resists digestion and absorption in testinal. However, fibers help fight cholesterol, diabetes and can help the heart.

Contains vitamin A – It is a micronutrient found in animal (retinol) and vegetable (provitamin A) sources.

It is an indispensable element to guarantee the

Health of our eyes (maintain good vision and hydration of the ocular surface) and also the proper renewal of cells that make up the tissues of our body

Contains vitamin C- It works as an important antioxidant vitamin, which participates in various metabolic reactions in the body, such as the metabolism of folic acid, phenylalanine, tyrosine, iron, histamine, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and carnitine .

Examples: watermelon, strawberry, cherry.

Orange fruits

Contains flavonoids – Also known as bi flavonoids and vitamin P, flavonoids are bioactive compounds, that is, compounds that act directly on a cell, tissue and living organism. In plants, for example, they act as color pigments and perform various functions, such as protection against ultraviolet rays

Contains lycopene – It is combined with vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene are considered a potent protector of skin and damage caused by the sun. Its regular consumption is one of the greatest weapons against the aging of the body, especially the skin.

Contains potassium – It is a very important and essential mineral for the proper functioning of the body, as it directly influences the nervous, muscular, cardiac and even the pH balance in the blood.

Contains vitamin C – It contributes to the reduction of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, helps in the healing process and is considered a great skin rejuvenator.

Contains beta-carotene – It is a natural pigment present in several types of foods and is part of a larger group of nutrients known as carotenoids. They are yellow-orange pigments found in fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, arugula, pumpkin, beetroot, papaya, mango and sweet potato.

Examples: Orange, banana, carrot, corn and pumpkin.

Unripe fruits

Contains fiber

– Can be defined as a set of substances derived from vegetables that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small intestine, with complete fermentation or partial in the large intestine.

Contains lutein – Contributes to healthy vision, prevents premature aging of the skin and contributes to protecting the eyes and skin against the free radicals, UV rays and blue light, so it is very important to have a balanced diet rich in foods with this substance.

Contains calcium – It is an essential mineral for the construction and maintenance of bones and teeth, in addition to being very important for muscle contraction and impulse transmission nervous.

Contains folate – Also called folic acid, it is found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, dried beans and pulses, yeasts and fortified cereals. The human body is able to store enough vitamin B12 in the liver for several years.

Contains Vitamin C – Help to shield the immune system against flu, colds and other diseases.

Contains beta-carotene – A fat-soluble pigmented compound, it is one of several types of carotenoids present in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Examples: Green apple, pear green and avocado.


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