Juve, De Ligt: “Allegri only thinks about winning. Eriksen my idol”

Matthijs De Ligt, one of the best defenders in the world despite his identity card saying 22 years, gave a long interview to DAZN. Many are the topics dealt with by the Dutch Juve. The former Ajax spoke about Massimiliano Allegri and about the Juventus coach he says: “He is a coach with great experience who knows about football, who has won a lot with Juventus and Milan. I’m happy that he is my coach now, this is very important to improve. Tactically it helps me a lot, he has this idea of ​​playing for all ninety minutes with the right mentality, to win the game. It is not important if we play good or bad football, the only one what matters is to win “.

De Ligt on Bonucci, Chiellini and the criticisms received

In recent years in Juventus he had the opportunity to train and play with two greats of the role, Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci: “I talked a lot with them – he admits – , they are a very important reference for the victories they have achieved with Juventus and ‘Italy. I have a lot of physical strength and I have a good feeling with the ball, but they advised me to stay focused and calm throughout the game: the team feels this too, with peace of mind all the teams play better “. To those who criticize him he replies: “In my opinion, criticism is normal in football, I am the one who criticizes my person the most. It is important to have this idea of ​​what needs to be done to improve, then it is normal that everyone prefers to receive compliments. But criticism is normal, we all have to learn and at times it can also be constructive “.

De Ligt: this is what I would have done if I hadn’t become a footballer

The Dutch defender then revealed what he would have done if he hadn’t become a footballer: “If I hadn’t been a footballer I would have become a volleyball player. Everyone emphasized, especially the first year, my interventions with the hand. To tell the truth, I don’t know, I’ve always thought about being a footballer, I did everything to become one and I’m happy with how it went. My tennis parents? Yes, I played tennis for six to seven years: I liked it but not like football, my love. I have always enjoyed playing with friends. Tennis is too individual a sport, I like playing with the team more “. In De Ligt’s family there is also a former footballer: his father-in-law played in Ajax. “With my girlfriend’s father we talk a lot about football, he has played and knows how this world works. It’s always nice to talk to him who has more experience than me in life and in football, this makes me feel calmer. Then of course we also discuss other things “.

De Ligt without veils

to the fateful seven questions. Regarding the opponent he would like to challenge in his career, De Ligt replies: “Lewandowski is difficult because he has so much experience and does not need to always play well with the sense of goal he finds himself : this is very complicated for a defender “. Then he reveals his idol as a child: ” It was Christian Eriksen, because he played for Ajax as a midfielder and I have been in the past . Best match? The one against Real Madrid. The most beautiful stadium? The Amsterdam Arena “. The Dutchman then talks about the locker room: “McKennie takes a long time to reply on Whatsapp, while Cuadrado listens to too much Colombian music, I don’t like it” . Finally, a tip for tourists in Turin: “The most beautiful places are: Parco del Valentino or Piazza San Carlo” .

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