Kendrick Lamar to Produce Comedy with ‘South Park’ Creators

Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar is making his first movie.

The Compton rapper’s pgLang company has teamed up with “South Park” creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker to produce a new film for Paramount Pictures. According to Variety, the live-action comedy was written by Vernon Chatman (“South Park,” “The Shivering Truth”) and will “depict the past and present coming to a head when a young Black man, who is interning as a slave re-enactor at a living history museum, discovers that his white girlfriend’s ancestors once owned his.”

Lamar and his pgLang partner Dave Free will produce the as-yet-untitled project with Stone and Parker’s Park County. Production is slated to begin in the spring.

Paramount will handle theatrical distribution, home entertainment, and television licensing rights, and the film will also stream on Paramount+.

“On behalf of Paramount Pictures and the wider ViacomCBS family, we look forward to ushering in the first theatrical collaboration from these creative visionaries, and galvanizing audiences worldwide around a powerful storytelling experience,” said Brian Robbins, Paramount Pictures’ President & CEO.

This is the first feature film for pgLang. Lamar and Free launched the company in 2020, describing it as a “multilingual” collective who tells stories through media including music, film, television, and books.

Meanwhile, fans continue to await new music from the Pulitzer winner. In August, he confirmed that he is working on his final TDE album, the follow-up to 2017’s DAMN.

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