Liga MX Femenil: Alicia Cervantes adds two days without being able to score a goal with Chivas

The forward of the Chivas del Guadalajara , Alicia Cervantes, has not been able to find the key to the goal so far in two days in this Apertura 2021 tournament in Liga MX Feminine This Saturday he went blank against Pumas de la UNAM.

The drought of the forward tapatia is worrying the squad, since it was one of the most forceful players in this contest and it has been fading little by little, already with this game on Saturday, adds two dates without being able to score a goal.

With half of the tournament already over, It seems that fatigue and muscular discomfort may already be showing with Alicia Cervantes .

With these two days Without being able to score a goal, Alicia Cervantes is lagging behind in her intentions to achieve the scoring title of the Apertura 2021 of the Liga MX Femenil.

Alicia Cervantes has 11 goals, only one less than the leader who is the forward of Tigres de la UANL, Katty Martínez. The problem is that the forward of the Regiomontanas has been scoring on a daily basis in this tournament and is gradually leaving the forward of Chivas behind.

This Saturday against Pumas de la UNAM, Alicia Cervantes could not break the defensive line and her hands were tied in her intentions to be able to break the nets in Ciudad Universitaria this date 11.

Read more: Liga MX Femenil: Can Puebla take away the undefeated Tigres de la UANL on date 11?

“Licha” Cervantes will have to wait until the next matchday to score a goal and he can do it in the National Classic against the Eagles of America.

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