Malta Vibes Knockout Series #5 – Our three favorites moving forward

The Malta Vibes Knockout Series #5 is already underway as teams are set to try and push through to the round of 8. We take a look at three teams that are highly favored for reaching the semi-final and grand final of this event. If you consider CSGO betting this week, these three teams should provide you with ample opportunity for wagering.

The tournament boasts a prize pool of 50,000$ USD fought for between forty teams from around the world. Matches are played in best-of-threes across the whole tournament. There is no losers bracket, which means every series has the weight of elimination behind it. Young players ready to show off whether or not they can hack it under pressure. Similar to the WePlay Academy League, this tournament promotes young and unknown talent into the EU scene.


Rasmus “HooXi” Nielsen | Copenhagen Flames

Copenhagen Flames

CPH should be the favorite to win this event. The team that made a run at the Stockholm Major against the best teams in the world knows what pressure feels like. They looked polished and well practiced and should be the same here. Being one of the invited teams, they begin their run in the round of 16. This gives them more practice time as well as more rest. They face off against Nexus Gaming in their upcoming best of three.


Ecstatic is on a hot run this season. They won both Malta Vibes Series 3, Pinnacle Fall Series 2 and in top four in ten of their most recent events. The roster built around Thomas “birdfromsky” Due Frederiksen is putting in some serious numbers as they slowly climb their way through the rankings. If one team is considered among the top favorites at this event its definitely Ecstatic.


In 2021, AVE won a total of five tournaments. Even though they weren’t big events, they have proven themselves over and over by always being in the mix. They have consistently flown under the radar and have not been talked about. At this event, they have plowed through their first two opponents with two quick 2-0 victories. They will come up against HEET, one of the invited teams, in the round of 16. With many good teams ahead, now is their chance to make a name for themselves.

Now that you know what teams to watch out for, make sure you tune in and check out the action. You may just find you’re watching the next up and coming team in the constantly shifting tier 1 CSGO scene.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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