Ministry of Health approves booster dose for health professionals

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Last Friday, the 24th, the Ministry of Health announced the application of the booster dose against Covid-19 for healthcare professionals. The measure was approved at a meeting at the Technical Chamber of Advice on Immunization (CTAI – Covid).

The dose of booster should preferably be given with the Pfizer vaccine, regardless of which vaccine was taken in the regular vaccination. The additional dose should be given at least six months after the healthcare provider has completed the vaccination with the second dose. This initiative aims to ensure increased immunity for those on the front lines of the fight against Covid-19.

Know more : Transplant patients and third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine

dose de reforço

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Boosting dose for the population

According to data released by the Ministry of Health, 412.5 thousand Brazilians have already received the booster dose so far, and they are elderly over 70 years old and immunosuppressed.

Studies about the additional dose

With the emergence of the Delta variant and the increase in the number of cases in Brazil and other countries, concern arose regarding the effectiveness of existing vaccines. At the same time, the durability of the protection provided by the vaccine and whether the vaccine response is the same in all populations are questions that have not yet been fully elucidated.

In Brazil, Anvisa has already authorized the realization of two studies that will evaluate a complementary dose to the current regimens. At the same time, the FDA approved the use of a third dose in immunosuppressed people.

Read too: After all, how many doses of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine will be needed?

The CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, announced that, given the data collected by industry, an additional dose of the immunizer would likely be needed 6 to 12 months after immunization with two doses and that booster doses would likely be needed annually. These comments are in line with what the CEO of Johnson & Johnson (group to which Janssen belongs), Alex Gorsky said, who also believes that vaccination against Covid-19 should be annual.

*This article was reviewed by the PEBMED medical team

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