Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company Recognized as a Digitally Balanced Workplace

Certified by the Digital Wellness Institute in collaboration with Fast Company Magazine

Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company is excited to announce it has been recognized as a Digitally Balanced Workplace by Digital Wellness Institute and Fast Company. The prestigious recognition highlights the juice company’s commitment to prioritizing employee well-being and fostering a healthy relationship with technology in the workplace.

As part of the certification process, Natalies surveyed its team members, identifying areas of strength in the company as well as areas of weakness that management is setting about to actively mitigate. The survey allowed team members to candidly share their views about Natalie’s ongoing initiative for becoming an even more effective Digitally Balanced Workplace.

“We are honored to receive the Digitally Balanced Workplace certification, which underscores our dedication to creating a supportive and digitally mindful work environment,” said Natalie’s Founder and CEO, Marygrace Sexton. “This achievement reflects the collective efforts of our team in promoting a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing employee wellness.”

Sexton has been a champion for Digital Wellbeing in the workplace for several years now, having once founded a non-profit that provided productive off-grid experiences for young people. She believes this balance with technology needs to extend beyond the office, having witnessed the effects digital encroachment has had on employees’ personal lives, as well as her own personal life.

In light of the recognition, Natalie’s looks forward to continuing its mission of championing digital wellness and serving as a role model for organizations seeking to create healthier work cultures in the digital age. The company’s groundbreaking initiatives have included a digital wellness orientation for employees, the hiring of a Wellness Director who provides quarterly check-ins for employees that are one-on-one to discuss workload, digital overload, stress levels and overall well-being and provide support where needed. The Wellness Director is also working through a number of additional incentives for the overall well-being of Natalie’s Team members including providing a physical trainer on site and Headspace annual subscription for those who request it.

“This recognition confirms we are on the right track with our efforts,” says Bethany Baker, Natalie’s Wellness Director. “We are already hard at work on the next steps we are going to make for the program.”

For more information about Natalie’s Digitally Balanced Workplace certification, please visit: or contact

About Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company

People around the world enjoy the undeniable freshness of Natalie’s. For over 30 years, our purpose-driven journey has been rooted in a commitment to procure and produce only the highest quality ingredients to create our line of award-winning juices. A featured juice favorite amongst Good Housekeeping, Bon Appetit, Woman’s Day, & Clean Eating Magazine, we are dedicated to creating world-class juices that are authentic and clean.

Natalie’s continued and ever-expanding reach can now be found coast to coast in the United States in most major retailers, and globally in over 20 countries. Natalie’s unprecedented growth has landed the company a multi-year honor of the Inc.5000 list and leads the juice category as a driving force in innovation while still maintaining its meticulous practice of minimal processing and minimal ingredients to ensure authentic freshness that is both nostalgic and unrivaled.

Marygrace Sexton (a recent inductee of the SFA Hall of Fame), continues to lead and inspire the 2nd generation evolution of this woman-owned, family-operated company and creates impact in communities both local and abroad with her charitable efforts, non-profit organizations, and unyielding passion for bringing clean-label juices and a source of optimum nourishment to families everywhere.

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