PA inks power-sharing deal with DA

The Patriotic Alliance (PA) has entered into a power-sharing agreement with the DA-led multiparty coalition in the City of Johannesburg.

This was confirmed by PA caucus leader Ashley Sauls, who said his party had made it clear that it would go with anyone who gave them enough power to ensure service delivery for its constituents.

Sauls was speaking during a multiparty coalition press briefing alongside the DA’s John Steenhuisen, FF Plus leader Pieter Groenewald and COPE president Mosiuoa Lekota.

“As things stands officially, we are in a power-sharing arrangement with the DA-led coalition and the talks are still ongoing,” he said.

The Joburg council is led through a multiparty coalition government consisting of the DA, ACDP, ActionSA, FF Plus and the IFP.

With the PA joining in, this brings the total number of seats the party has to 140 out of 270 seats, ensuring a good majority of the seats.

Sauls would not be drawn into which portfolios the PA was negotiating for.

“The PA has expressed interest in certain positions but that’s as far as it goes. If we insist on which positions to get then we’re giving the impression that there is no need for a democratic process.

“Tomorrow’s vote determines what positions the PA will walk away with after the democratic processes have unfolded.

“In terms of the arrangement we’ll go with any party that ensures the PA receives the power to serve our people. 

“We will vote with the multiparty coalition tomorrow [on Tuesday] and if the DA, like ourselves, continues like ourselves, [we] hold to our end and [they] hold to their end, then this will be a long-term arrangement,” Sauls said.

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