Sanction decision from RTÜK against the scandal of “I caught my wife with my father” in the show Silence with Ece Üner!

RTÜK took action regarding the issue, which drew the public’s reaction.

Radio and Television Supreme Council Vice President İbrahim Uslu announced that an administrative sanction decision was taken against the broadcast.

So-called social media phenomenon named Ata Benli on social media “The story of the man who caught his wife in bed with his real father, by RTÜK Will he shoot?” His tweet as came from RTÜK.

Radio and Television Supreme Council Vice President İbrahim Uslu, “This publication cannot be contrary to the national and moral values ​​of the society, general morality and the principle of protecting the family”, which is included in the clause (f) of the 8th article of the Law No. 6112, titled Publication Principles. sanctions have been taken.” used the expressions.

ATA BENLI’S ‘ALCOLIMETER’ LIE Ata Benli, the so-called social media phenomenon, who had alcohol control at the entrance of the Eurasia Tunnel last year, refused to blow the breathalyzer

Thereupon, Traffic As per the law, Benli’s driver’s license was confiscated, a fine was imposed on him and his vehicle was towed to the parking lot. Benli, on the other hand, made posts on social media that misled the public and slandered the police who took action against him. He claimed that the traffic police asked him ‘Is he Erdogan or Imamoglu’ and that he was treated despite blowing into the alcometer device.

Istanbul Police Department announced that Ata Benli declared that he was alcoholic but did not blow into the breathalyzer. Benli deleted the tweets he shared after his allegations were denied and apologized to the police community and closed his twitter account.

News )TV Sanction decision from RTÜK against the scandal of “I caught my wife with my father” in the show Silence with Ece Üner!

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