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Data confirm link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction thumbnail

Data confirm link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A consistent metabolic ratio found across 133 Chinese marine and freshwater fish species provides new evidence in support of the idea that fish become sexually active—and spawn for the first time—in response to growth-induced respiratory stress. Using the maximum size and mean size at first maturity of over 200 fish populations…
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Somerset confirm Hurry appointment thumbnail

Somerset confirm Hurry appointment

NewsAndy Hurry has been rushed back to Taunton as Somerset's director of cricket after the removal of Matthew MaynardSomerset hope Hurry will bring a change in the weather  Getty ImagesSomerset have confirmed that Andy Hurry will return to the club as director of cricket following the departure of Matthew Maynard.The news, which was first signalled…
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