Tencent fires more than 100 staff for violating company policies

On Monday, Tencent said it had fired over 100 people for violating company policies in 2022. The figure marks an increase on 2021’s number of nearly 70, and reflects what CEO Pony Ma labeled at an internal staff meeting last month as a “shocking” corruption situation at the company. The violations typically involved illegal misappropriation of funds and commercial bribery, the company said. According to the announcement, one person who sought benefits for another company and received a bribe from them was sentenced to three years in prison, and more than 10 others were referred to the public security authorities for commercial bribery at work. Most of the employees involved were from Tencent’s platform and content (PCG) and cloud and smart industries group (CSIG). “Tencent’s anti-fraud investigation department has continued to strengthen its efforts to combat these internal issues,” the company said. At the internal meeting, Pony Ma committed to keep bringing Tencent’s digital capability to its anti-fraud efforts this year.[[Tencent, in Chinese]

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