The legendary British gentleman switches to flashlights. The first electric Rolls-Royce will be called the Specter

Rolls-Royce never hid his preference for the electric future, but as is customary with these English gentlemen, precision takes time. That is why his very first electric model, called the Specter, will not be available until 2023. British legend will unleash a wave of electrification with this model, thanks to which it will offer its entire model line with electric drive by the end of the decade. , The Wraith and now the Specter – Rolls-Royce couldn’t be more mysterious in the nomenclature of their models. “As this is the beginning of a new legacy for our brand, we have decided to choose a completely new name for this car, which is as suggestive as the Phantom, Ghost and Wraith designations. The new name Specter fits perfectly into the extraterrestrial and indulgent environment in which our cars operate, “ said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Rolls-Royce Director.

However, Rolls -Royce paves the way for maximum transparency. On the electric concept 102EX, which he presented already in 2011, he clearly showed that he counts on electricity, which was later reminded by the considerably futuristic concept 103EX . )

A torch called Specter

But there were enough concepts. Now the British legend of the car industry has introduced, ie rather revealed the real torch with which to ignite the flame of pure electromobility. This will be the case with the Specter, which so far has only shown its silhouette with a cleverly camouflaged series of slogans that shout out the car’s progress to the world. The Specter will be a two-seater coupe that brings a slightly more aggressive look.


Although camouflage masks the shapes of the car, now it is clear that it is a two-door coupe

Photo: Rolls-Royce

The car should become a modular aluminum platform, which is also used by the Phantom, Cullinan or Ghost models. It is not yet clear which propulsion system will drive Specter forward, as reported magazine Car and Driver , Rolls-Royce’s director has previously said that the electric car will offer at least the same driving characteristics as the brand’s current conventional twelve-cylinder models.

As we saw for ourselves during the summer testing of the Ghost model , the performance of these cars is calm and extremely comfortable, but if you let go of the bridle a bit, they will be happy to show you their dynamic potential. After all, Ghost can accelerate from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.3 seconds. Let’s take this number as a basis that the new Specter can only improve.

Rolls-Royce can also be expected to depend on the car’s range. But everything must first be honed to maximum perfection, which is two years and 2.5 million kilometers.

“We have prepared the most demanding testing program in the history of Rolls-Royce. The car covers 2.5 million kilometers, which corresponds to more than 400 years of typical Rolls-Royce use. As part of the test drives, we will go to all corners of the world to test this new vehicle on the very edge of its possibilities, “ said Müller-Ötvös.

It all started in 1900

Rolls-Royce also recalls that the electrified history of the brand began to be written at the beginning of the last century. Although the Specter is the carmaker’s first electrified car, Charles Rolls already had a very strong belief in electricity. Even so powerful that in 1900 he bought an electric carriage, on which he praised the quiet operation, the quiet engine and the fact that such a machine does not smell at all.


Rolls electrified carriage Columbia

Photo: Rolls-Royce

Rolls then stated that machines powered by such technology would be very operational. However, he himself had no idea at the time that it would have to take more than a hundred years before it actually happened.

“This is the most important date in the history of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars from May 4, 1904. On that day, our founding fathers Charles Rolls and Sir Henry Royce met for the first time and agreed to create the best car in the world, ” Müller-Ötvös said on September 29. 2021, the day Rolls-Royce began writing a new electrical history.

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